Day #1: Analyzing Servers and Understanding Objectives

 Hello! If you're reading this, this is the first Senior Project Reflection. My name is Ty Chermsirivatana. I'm a Post Graduate at Proctor Academy, previously attending school at Bronxville High School. For my senior project, I've taken it upon myself to work at the Proctor Academic Information Technology Services Office.     

During my time, I will be doing basic system administration work while also working on professional technology certifications, creating a Proctor Academy AI Assistant and working on a Minecraft Game Server which students will use for academic and recreational use. In addition, part of my duties require me to assist regarding any theater tech needs or livestreaming around Campus.

Today marks the first day that I am officially on Senior Project! I reported to the ITS Office at around 8:20am. From there, Seth Currier (Assistant Director of Information Technology Services at Proctor Academy) and James Cox (Director of Information Technology Services at Proctor Academy) gave me the task of testing old servers and filling out diagnostic reports about them. While it sounds like basic work, I enjoyed weaving around old servers and learning about legacy hardware. Below, I've attached one of my diagnostic reports!



 This report outlines the information of the server, a output of a network scan and a brief summary of the event log(everything that happens on the server).  The network scan outlines all of the network port numbers and the corresponding services. Overall, had a great time drawing up reports and talking about objectives with James and Seth. Going to do Theater Tech in the Norris Family theater tonight for Ada and the Engine! Looking to be a great Senior Project!

Time Spent Today:
8:20am-12:00am: 3 hours 40 minutes (Proctor Academic ITS Office)

5:40pm-8:00pm:  2 hours 20 minutes (Norris Family Theater: Sound Engineering)

Total: 6 hours / 75 hours 

Disclaimer: 100% Human Generated Content


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